Question #1

A first grade teacher creates weekly activities that allow students to interact with the classroom word wall, the message board, the daily calendar, posters, and each other. What purpose does the teacher have for creating such an interactive classroom?

You answered

Correct Response: C

This question is primarily about the print rich environment the teacher has created and the opportunities the children are given to use the text around them to further their literacy development. 

While it may be implied that the teacher also wants students to interact with each other, cooperative learning (option A) and student collaboration (option B) are not the primary purposes highlighted in the question scenario. The general idea of the role the classroom environment plays in supporting learning (option D) also does not go far enough to be the best answer.



When several or all answer options seem reasonable, remember to reed the question carefully and look for key details to help you narrow down the best answer. 

And for more information on predictors of later literacy achievement, check out this video linked here:

Question #2

An English Language Learner (ELL) in the early production stage of second language acquisition joins a kindergarten class. The teacher can best ensure this student understands and is able to follow the teacher’s instruction by:

You answered

Correct Response: A 

There are many strategies teachers can use to support ELLs as they build both receptive and expressive English language skills in the classroom.  Using gestures and visual cues, as well as using simple words or words with shared cognates (words in two languages that share a similar meaning, spelling and pronunciation such as the Spanish word información and the English word information) 

Question #3

A teacher is planning to conduct an informal assessment of a first grader's reading fluency. In the assessment, the teacher will ask the child to read aloud a passage from a grade-level text for one minute. Which of the following criteria would be appropriate for the teacher to apply in the context of this assessment?

You answered

Correct Response: D. 

Fluent readers employ prosody (e.g., pitch, stress, timing) to interpret and convey the meaning of the text they are reading. A child who reads an author’s words with appropriate phrasing and expression is demonstrating key indicators associated with reading fluency.