Like Subarea 2 of the early childhood content test, Subarea 3 also consists of 31 test questions. These questions cover content under the broad heading of Learning Across the Curriculum. You will find questions here that relate to core concepts, skills, and teaching strategies that promote young children’s learning of mathematics, science and social sciences. Test questions may also address aspects of children’s physical, emotional and social development as well as learning about and learning through the arts (visual arts, music, drama and dance). In most cases, the questions in this subarea will not ask you to solve equations or locate geographic points on a map. Instead, the focus is on knowing curricular content well enough to determine how best to teach it.
As always, be aware of the grade level and the key concept being addressed in the question scenario. Rely on your knowledge of developmentally appropriate and evidence-based instructional practices, as these will guide you toward the best answer. Look for answer options that support inquiry-based, hands-on learning and creative and critical thinking on the part of the children.
Check out these subarea 3 focused resources and links:
- PreK and Primary Grade Math Terms
- More Math Buzz Words
- Representing Data
- The Scientific Method Explained
- The Wonder of Science: Scientific Inquiry:
- HighScope: Social Studies in Preschool:
- Exploring Terms in the Arts
Let’s review select practice questions related to learning across the curriculum.